Here are general links to diverse comics-related web sites that I've found
useful and enjoyable. Please
contact me if you have a link
you'd like to add. - The
well-known author of Understanding Comics is keeping a close eye
on emerging web comics both through his own work and others'.
The GeekOut - A cool independent
comic diary by Brandon Hanvey. Strangely compelling.
Phil Noto - The best site
I've seen for a comics illustrator. Tons of pictures easily categorized,
with a hip interface.
Words and
Pictures Museum - A physical museum as well, this site
serves as a useful portal to all sorts of comics creators and
organizations, and has rotating exhibits.
DCU Animated
- Devoted to all things based on the Batman animated extended universe.
The characters on this page are from this site.
The Flash! on DVD - Buy this!
Action Philosophers! - Exactly what it sounds like. Nietzche! Plato! Buddha! Marx! -
This site catalogs the work and works for sale of Norm Breyfogle, one
of my favorite pencillers.
2k comics - The home of Devin
Grayson, a heck of a writer, as well as Jay Faerber and Brian K.
Wolvie's - A very comprehensive site dedicated to the Buffy
comic books.
CBLDF -The Comic Book Legal Defense
Fund. Support this great cause!
Comic Books at Comics Etc
- New Marvel, DC, Dark Horse and Image Comic Books along with Back
Issues. New Comic Books added every week.
Clio Chang - Contributor to Flight 2.0. Image to right; click for larger.
Halo and
Sprocket - Why does this woman live with an angel and
a robot? I think the real question is: Why don't you?
My amazing Flash Jam sketch
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